Air Fried Fish Croquettes

Use Air Krisp: Cracker Meal or Cajun Fish.


1 lbs cod fillets, or any other white fish coarsely chopped

1 cup cracker meal

½ small onion finely chopped

2 Tablespoons finely chopped cilantro

3 Tablespoons mayonnaise

1 egg

1 teaspoon lime pepper

  1. Preheat air fryer to 400 F. 

  2. Place chopped fish in food processor and process until crumbly. 

  3. In a large bowl combine fish and remaining ingredients, and mix well. 

  4. Shape into patties, place in air fryer basket and coat with cooking spray. 

  5. Cook for 12 minutes turning once, and ensuring that patties are cooked through and golden brown. 

  6. Serve with a slice of lime.